Ephesians 1:17 “I pray that the father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, will impart to you the riches of the spirit of wisdom.“ Today is the day for you to receive an impartation of the ‘spirit of wisdom’.
Have you been the “king of bad decisions?” Have you done things over and over again that you regret? Everyone has!
Today is the day that it STOPS! Today is the day to receive the “spirit of wisdom” so that your decisions begin to be changed from foolish to wise. The spirit of wisdom will cause you to look smarter than you are, help you make better decisions than you ever could on your own, and bring you to a place of peace. Wisdom lives above the storm and that’s where you will be living from now on.
“Papa God,
Today I ask you to give me the ‘spirit of wisdom’. I want to have spiritual understanding, I want my eyes to be open so that I may make right decisions and live in peace. Right now by faith, I receive the ‘spirit of wisdom’ and I believe that it will begin operating in my life immediately. Wisdom, if I am about to make a bad decision, if I’m about to say something stupid, or act foolishly in anyway please speak loudly to me and show me a different path that I can take. -Amen"