Ephesians 1:17b “to know God through your deepening intimacy with him.”
Papa God is calling us into deep intimacy with him. He wants to be the person closest to our heart, the lover of our souls, and the one that we trust and turn to every single day. He wants to be there in the moments of joy and celebration, and he wants to be there in the moments of pain and despair. Papa God loves us so much that he sent his son to die for us.
Pray this,
“Papa God, draw me into a deep and intimate relationship with you. Teach me how to be close to you, heal the wounds and the lies from my past that have built walls between you and I. Teach me who you really are, not what religion and past experience has taught me. I wanna know the true you; the wonderful kind and caring father. Thank you! I believe that you love me and that you want to be Intimately close with me.” Amen